
Duties of the Fire Safety Organization


  1. Develop and implement an Emergency Response Plan for your company.
  2. Train all floor occupants according to your Emergency Response Plan.
  3. Know the location and use of all fire and emergency related equipment on the floor or area of responsibility.
  4. Appoint area wardens if the floor is extremely large and beyond the control of one person.
  5. Be completely familiar with the floor arrangement, the number of floor occupants, and the location of exits.
  6. Maintain updated list of disabled occupants and insure that individuals have selected an aid.
  7. Provide updated disabled occupant list to Property Management Office.
  8. Be fully aware of the existing procedures of the Building as they relate to Floor Warden‘s floor.
  9. Train the floor occupants in fire prevention measures and in safe fire exit procedures.
  10. Select and train the following to assist during emergencies:
    - Deputy Floor Warden
    - Searchers
    - Elevator Lobby Monitors
    - Aides for the Disabled
    - Stair Monitors


  1. Implement Emergency Response Plan.
  2. Maintain control of occupants.
  3. If directed to relocate, direct occupants to exits and to appropriate floors.
  4. Determine safe availability of stairwells.
  5. Guide tenants away from elevators to stairs.
  6. Be prepared to communicate vital information to the lobby or Fire Department.
  7. If relocated, communicate to lobby your arrival at refuge area.
  8. Determine by head count any missing occupants, and relay to lobby or to Fire Department.

Duties of the Deputy Floor Warden

  1. Assume the duties of the Floor Warden in his/her absence.
  2. Perform all tasks assigned by the Floor Warden.

Duties of the Searchers


  1. Become completely familiar with Emergency Response Plan, the floor arrangement, the number of floor occupants, and the location of emergency exits.
  2. Know the location and use of all fire and emergency related equipment on the floor or area of responsibility.
  3. Perform all tasks as assigned by the Floor Warden.


  1. Search for occupants who may not have heard the fire alarm. Search remote floor areas, rest rooms, computer or telephone rooms, break rooms, and copier rooms, etc. Direct persons found to closest exit.
  2. Once offices have been checked, close door and place a post-it note on the door signifying the room has been checked.
  3. Maintain calm and keep others calm by example of your own composure.
  4. Report —All Clear to Floor Warden.
  5. Perform all tasks as assigned by the Floor Warden/Deputy Floor Warden.

Duties of the Elevator / Lobby Monitor


  1. Become completely familiar with the Emergency Response Plan, floor arrangement, the number of floor occupants, and the location of emergency exits.
  2. Know the location and use of all fire and emergency related equipment on the floor or area of responsibility.
  3. Perform all tasks assigned by the Floor Warden. 


  1. Assist the Floor Wardens in any way directed.
  2. Act as a crowd control monitor—directing people away from the elevators and to the nearest stairwell for relocation or evacuation. (Exit at own discretion.)
  3. Maintain calm and keep others calm by example of your own composure.

Duties of the Stair Monitor


  1. Become completely familiar with the Emergency Response Plan, floor arrangement, the number of floor occupants, and the location of emergency exits.
  2. Know the location and use of all fire and emergency related equipment on the floor or area of responsibility.
  3. Perform all tasks assigned by the Floor Warden.


  1. Test the exit door for heat before allowing entry. (Use back of hand.)
  2. Verbally instruct exiting occupants about the correct stairwell procedures and the correct floor refuge.
  3. Verbally instruct relocating individuals to check doors for heat prior to entering floor.
  4. Ensure that the automatic door-closer acts correctly. (Do not prop doors open.)
  5. Exit at own discretion, after everyone has entered.
  6. Provide Floor Warden a head count when you reach the refuge floor.
  7. Maintain calm and keep others calm by example of your own composure.


Duties of the Aide for the Disabled


  1. The disabled person should be allowed to select their aides.
  2. The aides shall have knowledge of the exact location of the Building’s safest exit.
  3. The aides and disabled person shall be familiar with the assigned exit.


  1. Assist disabled persons in reaching assigned exit.
  2. Aide shall place disabled persons in a location away from the normal path of travel of exiting occupants and await the arrival of the fire department.
  3. Remain with the disabled person until relieved by the direction of a fire officer.